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Local Strategies for Reducing HIV Incidence for Cities in the Mountain West

Local Strategies for Reducing HIV Incidence for Cities in the Mountain West

Presentation Date:
Presentation Length: 51:06
Presenters: Anthony Todd Fojo, MD, MHS
Presentation Categories: Regional Roundup
Presentation Tags: HIV Prevention
Presentation Details:
Dr. Fojo reviews a mathematical model of HIV transmission that forecasts the HIV epidemic for specific cities. The forecasts estimate the potential effects of interventions to improve HIV testing, PrEP use, or viral suppression among diagnosed PWH. Dr. Fojo will review projections for Seattle, Denver, and Portland, and their implications for reaching EHE goals.

1. Understand what level of intervention needed to achieve the Ending the HIV Epidemic goal of a 90% reduction in incidence by 2030.
2. Understand the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic may affect HIV transmission.
Presentation Transcript: