The AIDS Clinical Conference webinar series is typically held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 8am–9am Pacific Time.
This conference is one of the longest running clinical HIV conferences in the United States. Over the last 30+ years, hundreds of speakers from around the country and the world have delivered lectures on a wide variety of HIV topics from prevention and vaccine research to antiretroviral therapy, drug resistance, and the adverse effects of HIV treatment.
The grand rounds-like conference is popular among regional and national HIV providers, University of Washington (UW) faculty, house staff, and public health staff. The Harborview Medical Center’s Madison Clinic (the largest provider of HIV care in the Northwest) and the MWAETC sponsor the conference.
Nurses may earn 1.0 CNE contact hour if they complete the evaluation after the live event or register and attend the live webinar and complete the evaluation by Friday noon after the conference. The ACC is also approved for 1.0 AAFP Prescribed Credit.
Topics and speakers are subject to change. The conference takes place the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 8am - 9am PT.
Dates |
Topics |
Speakers |
1/21/25 | ||
2/25/25 | ||
3/18/25 |
University of Washington Faculty TBD |
4/15/25 | ||
5/20/25 | ||
6/17/25 | ||
7/15/25 | ||
August |
No Program |
9/16/25 | ||
10/21/25 | ||
11/18/25 | ||
December |
No Program |
*This is the ONLY AIDS Clinical Conference not scheduled on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
If you would like to join the ACC email list (which means you receive two notices with webinar registration links for each ACC), please click here. We do not share the mailing list.
Below you will find links to view recordings of some past ACCs.
1/16: Jocelyn James, MD
MPH Methamphetamine Use and Treatment
February: No Program
3/19: Jehan Budak, MD Raaka Kumbhakar, MD Julie Dombrowski, MD, MPH
2024 CROI Update
4/16: Todd Brown, MD, PhD
HIV and Osteoporosis
5/21: Maria Corcorran, MD, MPH
Management and Prevention of HBV and HCV in Persons with HIV
6/18: Lisa Frederick, BA and Hanna Tessema, DrPH, MPH
Black Women and HIV: An Anti-Racist Clinical Care Approach
7/16: Tim Menza, MD, Ph.D.
Sexual Wellbeing: From Theory to Public Health and Clinical Practice
8/20: No Program
9/17: Shireesha Dhanireddy, MD, David Hachey, Pharm.D., Steven Johnson, MD, Aley Kalapila, MD, PhD
Complex Cases in HIV Discussion Panel
10/15: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Responsive HIV Care for American Indian & and Alaska Native Communities
11/14: Brian Wood, MD
ART Fact or Fiction: New Data on ARV Controversies and the Future of ART
December: No Program
1/17: Asa Radix, MD, PhD, MPH, FACP
STI Considerations for Trans and Gender Diverse Individuals
2/21: Lara Strick, MD, MS and Adrienne Shapiro, MD, PhD
Updates in Prevention & Treatment for TB in People with HIV
3/21: Jehan Budak, MD
2023 CROI Update
4/18: Matthew Triplette, MD, MPH
Addressing the Increased Risk of Lung Cancer in People with HIV
5/16: Raaka Kumbhakar, MD, MPH and Jimmy Ma, MD, MD
Low Barrier Care (LBC) Models for HIV Prevention and Treatment
6/20: Meredith Green, MD
HIV and Older Adults
7/18: Chase Cannon, MD, MPH
Emerging Issues in HIV PrEP and PEP
10/23: Jeffrey T. Schouten, MD, JD
Screening and Treatment of HPV Lesions to Reduce Anal Cancer: ANCHOR Study Results
1/18: Geetanjali Chander, MD, MPH
Unhealthy Alcohol Use Among PWH: A Modifiable Barrier to Optimal Management of HIV and its Comorbidities
3/16: Adrienne Shapiro, MD, PhD; Jehan Budak, MD; Raaka Kumbhakar, MD
2022 CROI Update
4/19: Raphael Landovitz, MD,
Long Acting Injectables
5/15: Chris Longenecker, MD
An Integrative Approach to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention for People Living with HIV
6/21: Lindley Barbee, MD, MPH
Maternal and Congenital Syphilis Update
7/19: Ruanne Barnabas, MBChB, MSc, DPhil
Health Economics in HIV/STI
9/20: Jehan Budak, MD
HIV Primary Care
10/18: Francine Cournos, MD
Addressing Depression in People with HIV
11/15: Brian Wood, MD<
State of the ART: An Update on Long-Acting Antiretrovirals for HIV Treatment
1/21: Lara Strick, MD, MS
Supporting Individuals Living with HIV Following Incarceration
2/23: Shireesha Dhanireddy, MD
Immunizations for Preventable Diseases in Adults with HIV
3/16: Ruanne Barnabas, MBChB, DPhil, MSc; Jehan Budak, MD; Adrienne Shapiro, MD, PhD, MSc
2021 CROI Update
4/20: Paula Cannon, PhD
Engineering B Cells for an HIV Cure
5/18: Moderated by Shireesha Dhanireddy, MD; Panelists: Caleb Banta-Green PhD, MPH, MSW; John Nusser, MD; Thea Oliphant-Wells, MSW; and, Troy Seibert
IDU Panel
9/15: Christine Johnston, MD, MPH 2021
STI Treatment Guidelines Update
10/19: Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, PhD, MPH, LCSW, RN, ANP-BC, PMHNP-BC, AAHIVS, FAAN
Revisiting the Invisible Latino HIV Crisis: Examining Progress and Identifying Remaining Gaps in the National Response
11/16: Brian Wood, MD
ART Update: New Guidelines & Medications
1/21: Jared Baeten, MD, PhD
PrEP Update
2/18: Jehan Budak, MD
Care of the Newly Diagnosed Patient
10/20: Julie Dombrowski, MD, MPH
What's New in STD's? An Update for Clinicians
11/17: Brian Wood, MD
2020 HIV Treatment Update: What's New and What's Coming
1/22: Michele Andrasik, PhD
Clinical Implications of Bias
3/19: Ruanne Barnabas, MBChB., DPhil, MSc, Robert Harrington, MD, Nina Kim, MD, MSc, Brian Wood, MD
2019 CROI Update
4/16: Meena Ramchandani, MD, MPH
Retention and HIV
5/21: Corinne Heinen, MD, FAAFP
Trans/Gender Non-Binary Populations & HIV
7/23: Shireesha Dhanireddy, MD
HIV in Neglected Communities: The Intersection of Homelessness, IDU and Transactional Sex
Note: Due to technical difficulties, audio was not recorded during the first 7 minutes of the session.
9/17: Margaret Green, MD, MPH
Adolescents and HIV
10/15: Steven Shoptaw, PhD
Stimulant Use and HIV
11/19: Brian Wood, MD
Antiretroviral Controversies and Conundrums
1/16: Peter W. Hunt, MD
Immune Activation in Treated HIV: Does It Still Matter?
2/20: Christopher Spitters, MD, MPH
Tuberculosis in HIV Patients
3/20: Julie Dombrowski, MD, Ann Collier, MD, Adrienne Shapiro, MD, PhD,
Robert Harrington, MD
2018 CROI Update
Correction: At 26 minutes 19 seconds, "cabotegravir" should be "dolutegravir."
4/17: Manoj P. Menon, MD, MPH
Treating Cancer Patients Who Are HIV Positive: A Clinical Update
5/15: Jared Baeten, MD, PhD
PrEP Update: Implementation and Impact
6/19: Julie Dombrowski, MD, MPH
STIs: New Realities and Clinical Controversies
7/24: Jeanne Marrazzo, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA
How Does the Vaginal Environment Impact HIV/STI Risk?
9/18: Kathy Brown, MD, FACP
Women and HIV: Differences and Disparities
10/16: David Spach, MD
Controversial Issues in the Management of Antiretroviral Therapy
11/13: Brian Wood, MD
State of the ART: Novel Antiretroviral Agents & Strategies
Note: This talk was re-recorded due to technical difficulties.
11/14: Brian R. Wood, MD
The Future of Antiretroviral Therapy: New Agents and Strategies
10/17: H. Nina Kim, MD, MSc
Chronic Hepatitis B and HIV: Remaining Challenges in Coinfection
9/19: Kevin Ard, MD, MPH
HIV and STIs in Transgender Populations
7/18: Thomas Quinn, MD, MSc
Biomedical Prevention for HIV Control: From Research to Reality
6/20: Scott Letendre, MD
The Impact of HIV and Aging on the Brain
5/16: Christine Yuodelis-Flores, MD
Triple Diagnoses: Mental Illness, Addiction and HIV
4/18: Judy Levison, MD, MPH
New Frontiers in Safe Sex: It is Not Just About Condoms
3/21: Robert D. Harrington, MD, Brian Wood, MD, Ann Collier, MD, and Julie Dombrowski, MD
2017 CROI Update
2/21: Roxanne Kerani, PhD, MPH
Stigma and HIV Care in America's African-born Community
1/17: Wayne C. McCormick, MD, MPH and Heidi Crane, MD, MPH
Aging & HIV
11/15: Madeline B. Deutsch, MD, MPH
Transgender Health and HIV
10/18: Joe Merrill, MD, MPH
Update on Opioid Use Disorders
9/20: Christina Wyatt, MD
The Kidney in HIV Infection, Treatment & Prevention
6/21: Robert Rakita, MD
Solid Organ Transplant and HIV
5/17: David Wyles, MD
HCV in 2016: Treatment of the Co-infected Patient and Management of Viral Resistance
11/17: Steven Shoptaw, PhD
Methamphetamine Use, Mental Health and HIV
10/20: Roy Colven, MD
HIV and the Skin: Selected Topics
9/15: Priscilla Hsue, MD
HIV and Cardiovascular Disease
7/23: Myron S. Cohen, MD
Global Prevention of HIV: Where do we go from here?
5/19: Robert Shafer, MD
Management of Patients with Transmitted and Aquired Drug Resistance
4/21: Sophie Woolston, MD, Matthew Golden, MD, MPH, Sheila Lukehart, PhD
Ocular Syphilis: Bench to Bedside
2/18: Joanne Stekler, MD
Experiences with PEP and PrEP in Seattle