As a national health information hotline, it provides information such as how to protect yourself, where to get an HIV test, and other HIV related questions. In English or in Spanish from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
TTY: 1-888-232-6348
As a service of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), specialists provide customized, confidential answers to questions about HIV/AIDS clinical trials and treatment. In English or in Spanish from 1 pm to 4 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
TTY: 1-888-480-3739
The National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC) is a unique teleconsultation resource that provides health care providers of all experience levels with timely and evidenced-informed responses to clinical questions related to prevention, screening and management of HIV and viral hepatitis C (HCV) as well as substance use disorders.
Provides downloadable data sets, maps, and infographics, as well as a service finder function.
Comprehensive information on HIV, epidemiology, prevention, testing, clinical tools, patient education materials, resource library, and referral service.
The website provides a compendium of information on a broad away of health topics, including COVID-19 and HIV. They also operate a national health information hotline providing phone and email support on multiple health topics in English or in Spanish from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. Website includes resources for lay people and clinicians. 1-800-232-4636 TTY: 1-888-232-6348
Find HIV-related laws, guidelines for healthcare workers, and testing and treatment information by state. The HIV Policy Resource Bank is a comprehensive database on topics of importance to people living with HIV and their advocates.
Presentations on recent treatment updates and coverage of HIV conferences.
Anal cancer is known to occur at higher rates among people with HIV than those without HIV. View new guidelines here: DHHS Anal Cancer Screening Guidelines for PWH.
Information on the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and resources on how to deliver HIV/AIDS care. HRSA is the primary federal agency for improving access to health care services for people who are uninsured, isolated or medically vulnerable.
Information on capacity building programs, research, and resources for prevention and care for HIV and Hepatitis C. Offers certificate programs.
Info on oral manifestations of HIV, news and research on HIV/AIDS oral health care, treatment and infection control. Links to articles on other HIV care related topics.
A collaboration between the National Institutes of Health Office of AIDS Research (NIH OAR) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), this website provides information on clinical trials, prevention and treatment guidelines, comorbidities, and epidemiology for the public, researchers, and health professionals. Specialists provide customized, confidential answers to questions about HIV/AIDS clinical trials and treatment via their phone line in English or Spanish from 1 pm to 4 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. 1-800-448-0440 TTY: 1-888-480-3739
A service of Stanford University, providers can enter a patient's resistance-associated mutations to obtain individual drug resistance profiles and interpretations to help choose the most appropriate treatment.
Offers a comprehensive, on-line textbook of HIV disease from the University of California San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital. Helpful database of antiretroviral drug interactions with three searchable formats.
Routinely updated HIV/AIDS pages aggregate state-based and national data on HIV/AIDS epidemiology, funding, and other topics, released by a variety of federal programs.
Site includes toolkits on implementing evidence-based interventions for HIV prevention, diagnoses, and care via the Center for Innovation and Engagement, as well as information on health policy. NASTAD is comprised of public health officials from all 50 states and US jurisdictions.
This site hosts the interactive Atlas tool to help clinicians and researchers use 10 years of reported CDC data, latest news releases, and informative slide decks based on disease epidemiology.
A U.S. reference and referral service for information on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and tuberculosis (TB). Includes a searchable database of thousands of U.S. HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB providers
Provides data and resources in multiple languages to support dissemination of U=U, Undetectable = Untransmittable treatment as prevention messaging to empower people with HIV.
Federally funded national clearinghouse on rural health that features the Rural HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Toolkit to help organizations implementing these programs in rural communities. Plethora of information on rural health, including funding, service models, data visualizations, and referrals.
This site provides technical assistance (TA) and training resources for HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP), the federal program that funds local and state agencies to deliver HIV care for people with HIV of limited financial means. Resources include webinars, tools, training materials, manuals, and guidelines that focus on RWHAP service delivery and agency operations.
Provides up to date information on scientific, clinical, and policy developments of interest to the HIV workforce.
Sister publication to theBodyPro, TheBody delivers information, news, support, and personal perspectives on HIV and related issues.
This site has policies and reports, provider education, quick references and tools for clinicians, and a browse topics function. Site features a 3-page, 7-step guide for clinicians on “Delivering HIV Test Results.” Also has materials for lay people.
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This website is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $2,982,063 with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The content in presentations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.