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Pharmacy-Based PrEP Series #1: How Pharmacies Can Benefit From PrEP DAP

Pharmacy-Based PrEP Series #1: How Pharmacies Can Benefit From PrEP DAP

Presentation Date:
Presentation Length: 53:58
Presenters: Martha Grimm,, Teah Hoopes,, Victor Ramirez, MSPH
Presentation Categories: PIPAR
Presentation Details:
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) remains underutilized in the U.S. Since greater than 85% of PrEP prescriptions are filled at commercial pharmacies, pharmacists are uniquely positioned to increase PrEP use. The Washington State Department of Health, Office of Infectious Disease, is partnering with Public Health Seattle & King County and the Mountain West AIDS Education and Training Center for a 7-session webinar series that will highlight the steps needed for any pharmacy in the State of Washington to initiate a pharmacy-led PrEP and retention program at their location. In this first session of the series, speakers will: Welcome attendees to the series Provide a background on the Pharmacy Integration into PrEP and ART Provision and Retention (PIPAR) project and the webinar series Provide an overview of PrEP related Ending the HIV Epidemic in King County Provide an overview of Washington's PrEP DAP program and how pharmacies can be reimbursed for services in WA.
Presentation Transcript: