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The MWAETC is available to help improve PrEP coverage in your state.

HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is one of the best tools we have available for preventing acquisition or transmission of HIV

  • PrEP is now available both as oral and long-acting injectable options
  • PrEP coverage (the number of people estimated how could benefit from PrEP vs. the number prescribed PrEP) in 9 of our 10 Mountain West region states lags behind both national averages and Ending the HIV Epidemic targets.

PrEP coverage by State

The MWAETC and our local partners are available to provide training and technical assistance on providing PrEP in primary care settings, community-based organizations, pharmacies, behavioral health programs, and other sites through live or virtual programs.

Did you know?

  • HIV PrEP only prevents HIV. It does NOT prevent other STDs or pregnancy.
  • Sexual health is an important component of recovery. Consider including discussions about STD/HIV screening, PrEP, and other sexuality issues as part of recovery planning and support.
  • Syphilis and congenital syphilis are skyrocketing. Screen all pregnant persons and others whose sexual activity may place them at increased risk for syphilis.