Introduction to the Minority Stress Model, Body…
Healthcare challenges faced by transgender and…
Gender Affirming Care part one of three
Gender Affirming Care part two of three
Gender Affirming Care part three of three
Medical Mistrust Summit 2022, part 4
Medical Mistrust Summit 2022, part 5
Medical Mistrust Summit 2022, part 6
Medical Mistrust Summit 2022, part 2
Medical Mistrust Summit 2022: Part One
Epidemiology and standards of care for trans and…
Update on PrEP guidelines for transgender patients
Building Skills in Sexual Health Series #1
Rationale and results of the DoxyPEP study /…
Findings from the UnBIASED Study on Bias and…
Health disparities and HIV prevention for people…
Creating a Welcoming and Inclusive Environment
PrEP for transgender and non-binary individuals